Urban view in the morning

By Jenni - 9.8.16

I have been walking lately, quite much. Sometimes too much. Usually without my camera. I've purposely left it home and taken photos just with my own eyes. It's been good. You don't always need your camera with you. More often you need time to think. I believe the most important thing in taking photos is to think of them. Not just to push the shutter everytime something interesting comes in front of you. But to really think, what do you wanna tell with that picture. And mainly think, why do you wanna take that picture. After that, there are several other stuff you could also think, or just take the photo already.

With these photos, I had nothing to tell, and no special reason to take them. Well actually that's not the whole truth. I wanted to photograph those small things that have made my morning walks to work a lot easier and interesting. So i have some memories from those warm mornings i have had this summer.

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