A short visit on a farm (20.8.2016 Lieto, Uusitalon Tila)

By Jenni - 20.8.16

Today we did a small early afternoon trip to a farm. Uusitalon tila organized a Farm day (has been doing so for some years now already), and we went to see how things roll in there. The farm is focused on milk production and naturally has quite many cows. On these farm days people can go and see the animals, touch them and just look what on earth are they doing. Cows... What did they do then? ...well, well, well. Mainly just resting and eating. A bunch of casual cows, doing casual cow stuff. You know.

I think these kind of days are good. For people to see where their food comes from, how the animals are held, in what kind of conditions do they live in, and so on. Nowadays we urban city people are also quite estranged from the farm life, so it's also good for us to see something else than that familiar urban skyview from our balcony (which by the way is also definitely very much ok!).

This pic taken by the one and only. 

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